Note: the cost of running the entire notebook is higher than 1 FlexCredit.
This notebook demonstrates how to set up and run a parameterized level set-based optimization of a Y-branch. In this approach, we use autograd
to generate a level set surface $\phi(\rho)$ given a set of control knots $\rho$. The permittivity distribution is then obtained implicitly from the zero level set isocontour. Details about the level set method can be found here. Minimum gap and curvature penalty terms are introduced in the optimization to control the minimum feature size, hence improving device fabrication. In addition, we show how to tailor the initial level set function to a starting geometry, which is helpful to further optimize a device obtained by conventional design.
You can also find some interesting adjoint functionalities for shape optimization in Inverse design optimization of a waveguide taper and Adjoint-based shape optimization of a waveguide bend. If you are new to the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, we highly recommend going through our FDTD101 tutorials. FDTD simulations can diverge due to various reasons. If you run into any simulation divergence issues, please follow the steps outlined in our troubleshooting guide to resolve it.
Let's start by importing the Python libraries used throughout this notebook.
# Standard python imports.
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# Import autograd to be able to use automatic differentiation.
import autograd.numpy as anp
from autograd import grad
from autograd.tracer import getval
import optax
import pickle
import gdstk
# Import regular tidy3d.
import tidy3d as td
import tidy3d.web as web
from tidy3d.plugins.autograd import value_and_grad
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = "12"
Y-branch Inverse Design Configuration¶
The y-branch splits the power from an input waveguide into two other output waveguides. Here, we are considering a gap of 0.3 $\mu m$ between the output waveguides for illustration purposes. However, when considering the design of a practical device, this value can be smaller. S-bends are included to keep the output waveguides apart from each other to prevent mode coupling.
Next, you can set the y-branch geometry and the inverse design parameters.
# Geometric parameters.
y_width = 1.7 # Y-branch maximum width (um).
y_length = 1.7 # Y-branch maximum length (um).
w_thick = 0.22 # Waveguide thickness (um).
w_width = 0.5 # Waveguide width (um).
w_length = 1.0 # Input output waveguide length (um).
w_gap = 0.3 # Gap between the output waveguides (um).
bend_length = 3 # Output waveguide bend length (um).
bend_offset = 0.5 # Offset between output bends (um).
# Material.
nSi = 3.48 # Silicon refractive index.
# Inverse design set up parameters.
grid_size = 0.016 # Simulation grid size on design region (um).
ls_grid_size = 0.004 # Discretization size of the level set function (um).
ls_down_sample = 20 # The spacing between the level set control knots is given by ls_grid_size*ls_down_sample.
fom_name_1 = "fom_field1" # Name of the monitor used to compute the objective function.
min_feature_size = 0.14 # Minimum fabrication feature size (um).
gap_par = 1.0 # Parameter to minimum gap fabrication constraint.
curve_par = 1.5 # Parameter of minimum curvature fabrication constraint.
# Optimizer parameters.
iterations = 100 # Maximum number of iterations in optimization.
learning_rate = 0.03
# Simulation wavelength.
wl = 1.55 # Central simulation wavelength (um).
bw = 0.06 # Simulation bandwidth (um).
n_wl = 61 # Number of wavelength points within the bandwidth.
From the parameters defined before, a lot of variables are computed and used to set up the optimization.
# Minimum and maximum values for the permittivities.
eps_max = nSi**2
eps_min = 1.0
# Material definition.
mat_si = td.Medium(permittivity=eps_max) # Waveguide material.
# Wavelengths and frequencies.
wl_max = wl + bw / 2
wl_min = wl - bw / 2
wl_range = np.linspace(wl_min, wl_max, n_wl)
freq = td.C_0 / wl
freqs = td.C_0 / wl_range
freqw = 0.5 * (freqs[0] - freqs[-1])
run_time = 8e-13
# Computational domain size.
pml_spacing = 0.6 * wl
size_x = 2 * w_length + y_length + bend_length
size_y = w_gap + 2 * (bend_offset + w_width + pml_spacing)
size_z = w_thick + 2 * pml_spacing
eff_inf = 10
# Source and monitor positions.
mon_w = 3 * w_width
mon_h = 5 * w_thick
# Separation between the level set control knots.
rho_size = ls_down_sample * ls_grid_size
# Number of points on the parameter grid (rho) and level set grid (phi)
nx_rho = int(y_length / rho_size) + 1
ny_rho = int(y_width / rho_size / 2) + 1
nx_phi = int(y_length / ls_grid_size) + 1
ny_phi = int(y_width / ls_grid_size / 2) + 1
npar = nx_rho * ny_rho
ny_rho *= 2
ny_phi *= 2
# Design region size
dr_size_x = (nx_phi - 1) * ls_grid_size
dr_size_y = (ny_phi - 1) * ls_grid_size
dr_center_x = -size_x / 2 + w_length + dr_size_x / 2
# xy coordinates of the parameter and level set grids.
x_rho = np.linspace(dr_center_x - dr_size_x / 2, dr_center_x + dr_size_x / 2, nx_rho)
x_phi = np.linspace(dr_center_x - dr_size_x / 2, dr_center_x + dr_size_x / 2, nx_phi)
y_rho = np.linspace(-dr_size_y / 2, dr_size_y / 2, ny_rho)
y_phi = np.linspace(-dr_size_y / 2, dr_size_y / 2, ny_phi)
Level Set Functions¶
We are using autograd
to implement a parameterized level set function so the gradients can be back-propagated from the permittivity distribution defined by the zero level set isocontour to the design variables (the control knots of the level set surface). The space between the control knots and the Gaussian function width obtains some control over the minimum feature size. Other types of radial basis functions can also be used in replacement of the Gaussian one employed here, such as multiquadric splines or b-splines.
class LevelSetInterp:
"""This class implements the level set surface using Gaussian radial basis functions."""
def __init__(
x0: anp.ndarray = None,
y0: anp.ndarray = None,
z0: anp.ndarray = None,
sigma: float = None,
# Input data.
x, y = anp.meshgrid(y0, x0)
xy0 = anp.column_stack((x.reshape(-1), y.reshape(-1)))
self.xy0 = xy0
self.z0 = z0
self.sig = sigma
# Builds the level set interpolation model.
gauss_kernel = self.gaussian(self.xy0, self.xy0)
self.model =, self.z0)
def gaussian(self, xyi, xyj):
dist = anp.sqrt(
(xyi[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1) - xyj[:, 1].reshape(1, -1)) ** 2
+ (xyi[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1) - xyj[:, 0].reshape(1, -1)) ** 2
return anp.exp(-(dist**2) / (2 * self.sig**2))
def get_ls(self, x1, y1):
xx, yy = anp.meshgrid(y1, x1)
xy1 = anp.column_stack((xx.reshape(-1), yy.reshape(-1)))
ls = self.gaussian(self.xy0, xy1).T @ self.model
return ls
# Function to plot the level set surface.
def plot_level_set(x0, y0, rho, x1, y1, phi):
y, x = np.meshgrid(y0, x0)
yy, xx = np.meshgrid(y1, x1)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), tight_layout=True)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection="3d")
ax1.view_init(elev=45, azim=-45, roll=0)
ax1.plot_surface(xx, yy, phi, cmap="RdBu", alpha=0.8)
levels=[np.amin(phi), 0],
colors=["k", "w"],
ax1.contour3D(xx, yy, phi, 1, cmap="binary", linewidths=[2])
ax1.scatter(x, y, rho, color="black", linewidth=1.0)
ax1.set_title("Level set surface")
ax1.set_xlabel(r"x ($\mu m$)")
ax1.set_ylabel(r"y ($\mu m$)")
ax1.xaxis.pane.fill = False
ax1.yaxis.pane.fill = False
ax1.zaxis.pane.fill = False
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
ax2.contourf(xx, yy, phi, levels=[0, np.amax(phi)], colors=[[0, 0, 0]])
ax2.set_title("Zero level set contour")
ax2.set_xlabel(r"x ($\mu m$)")
ax2.set_ylabel(r"y ($\mu m$)")
To map the permittivities to the zero-level set contour and obtain continuous derivatives, we use a hyperbolic tangent function as an approximation to a Heaviside function. Other smooth functions, such as sigmoid and arctangent, can also be employed. As discussed here, the difference on computed interface using different functions will decrease when reducing the mesh size.
def mirror_param(design_param):
param = anp.array(design_param).reshape((nx_rho, int(ny_rho / 2)))
param_minus = param._value.copy()
param_minus = param.copy()
return anp.concatenate((anp.fliplr(param_minus), param), axis=1).flatten()
def get_eps(design_param, sharpness=10.0, plot_levelset=False) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns the permittivities defined by the zero level set isocontour"""
phi_model = LevelSetInterp(x0=x_rho, y0=y_rho, z0=design_param, sigma=rho_size)
phi = phi_model.get_ls(x1=x_phi, y1=y_phi)
# Calculates the permittivities from the level set surface
eps_phi = 0.5 * (anp.tanh(sharpness * phi) + 1)
eps = eps_min + (eps_max - eps_min) * eps_phi
eps = anp.maximum(eps, eps_min)
eps = anp.minimum(eps, eps_max)
# Reshapes the design parameters into a 2D matrix.
eps = anp.reshape(eps, (nx_phi, ny_phi))
# Plots the level set surface.
if plot_levelset:
rho = np.reshape(design_param, (nx_rho, ny_rho))
phi = np.reshape(phi, (nx_phi, ny_phi))
plot_level_set(x0=x_rho, y0=y_rho, rho=rho, x1=x_phi, y1=y_phi, phi=phi)
return eps
In the next function, the permittivity values are used to build a CustomMedium within the design region.
def update_design(eps, unfold=False) -> List[td.Structure]:
# Reflects the structure about the x-axis.
eps_val = anp.array(eps).reshape((nx_phi, ny_phi, 1))
coords_x = [
(dr_center_x - dr_size_x / 2) + ix * ls_grid_size for ix in range(nx_phi)
if not unfold:
# Creation of a CustomMedium using the values of the design parameters.
coords_yp = [0 + iy * ls_grid_size for iy in range(int(ny_phi / 2))]
coords = dict(x=coords_x, y=coords_yp, z=[0])
eps_ag = td.SpatialDataArray(eps_val, coords=coords)
eps_medium = td.CustomMedium(permittivity=eps_ag)
box = td.Box(
center=(dr_center_x, dr_size_y / 4, 0),
size=(dr_size_x, dr_size_y / 2, w_thick),
structure = [td.Structure(geometry=box, medium=eps_medium)]
# Creation of a CustomMedium using the values of the design parameters.
coords_y = [-dr_size_y / 2 + iy * ls_grid_size for iy in range(ny_phi)]
coords = dict(x=coords_x, y=coords_y, z=[0])
eps_ag = td.SpatialDataArray(eps_val, coords=coords)
eps_medium = td.CustomMedium(permittivity=eps_ag)
box = td.Box(center=(dr_center_x, 0, 0), size=(dr_size_x, dr_size_y, w_thick))
structure = [td.Structure(geometry=box, medium=eps_medium)]
return structure
Initial Structure¶
We built an initial y-brach structure containing some holes and different gap sizes to demonstrate how the design evolves under fabrication constraints. We define this structure using a PolySlab
object and then translate it into a permittivity grid of the same size as the one used to define the level set function. The holes are introduced in the polygon using the ClipOperation object.
vertices = np.array(
(-size_x / 2 + w_length, w_width / 2),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + 0.5, w_width / 2),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + 0.75, w_gap / 2 + w_width),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + dr_size_x, w_gap / 2 + w_width),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + dr_size_x, w_gap / 2),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + 2.5 * dr_size_x / 3, w_gap / 2),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + 2.3 * dr_size_x / 3, w_gap / 6),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + 1.8 * dr_size_x / 3, w_gap / 6),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + 1.8 * dr_size_x / 3, -w_gap / 6),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + 2.3 * dr_size_x / 3, -w_gap / 6),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + 2.5 * dr_size_x / 3, -w_gap / 2),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + dr_size_x, -w_gap / 2),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + dr_size_x, -w_gap / 2 - w_width),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + 0.75, -w_gap / 2 - w_width),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length + 0.5, -w_width / 2),
(-size_x / 2 + w_length, -w_width / 2),
y_poly = td.PolySlab(vertices=vertices, axis=2, slab_bounds=(-w_thick / 2, w_thick / 2))
y_hole1 = td.Cylinder(
-size_x / 2 + w_length + 1.7 * dr_size_x / 3,
w_gap / 2 + w_width / 1.75,
radius=min_feature_size / 3,
y_hole2 = td.Cylinder(
-size_x / 2 + w_length + 1.7 * dr_size_x / 3,
-w_gap / 2 - w_width / 1.75,
radius=min_feature_size / 3,
y_hole3 = td.Cylinder(
-size_x / 2 + w_length + 2.3 * dr_size_x / 3,
w_gap / 2 + w_width / 1.75,
radius=min_feature_size / 1.5,
y_hole4 = td.Cylinder(
-size_x / 2 + w_length + 2.3 * dr_size_x / 3,
-w_gap / 2 - w_width / 1.75,
radius=min_feature_size / 1.5,
init_design = td.ClipOperation(
operation="difference", geometry_a=y_poly, geometry_b=y_hole1
init_design = td.ClipOperation(
operation="difference", geometry_a=init_design, geometry_b=y_hole2
init_design = td.ClipOperation(
operation="difference", geometry_a=init_design, geometry_b=y_hole3
init_design = td.ClipOperation(
operation="difference", geometry_a=init_design, geometry_b=y_hole4
init_eps = init_design.inside_meshgrid(x=x_phi, y=y_phi, z=np.zeros(1))
init_eps = np.squeeze(init_eps) * eps_max

Then an objective function which compares the initial structure and the permittivity distribution generated by the level set zero contour is defined.
# Figure of Merit (FOM) calculation.
def fom_eps(eps_ref: anp.ndarray, eps: anp.ndarray) -> float:
"""Calculate the L2 norm between eps_ref and eps."""
return anp.mean((anp.abs(eps_ref - eps) ** 2))
# Objective function to be passed to the optimization algorithm.
def obj_eps(design_param, eps_ref) -> float:
param = mirror_param(design_param)
eps = get_eps(param)
return fom_eps(eps_ref, eps)
# Function to calculate the objective function value and its
# gradient with respect to the design parameters.
obj_grad_eps = value_and_grad(obj_eps)
So, the initial control knots are obtained after fitting the initial structure using the level set function. This is accomplished by minimizing the L2 norm between the reference and the level set generated permittivities. The fitting is performed by the Adam optimizer from the Optax library.
# Initialize adam optimizer with starting parameters.
start_par = np.zeros(npar)
optimizer = optax.adam(learning_rate=learning_rate * 10)
opt_state = optimizer.init(start_par)
# Store history
params_eps = np.copy(start_par)
obj_eps = []
for i in range(50):
# Compute gradient and current objective funciton value.
value, gradient = obj_grad_eps(params_eps, init_eps)
# outputs
print(f"Step = {i + 1}")
print(f"\tobj_eps = {value:.4e}")
print(f"\tgrad_norm = {np.linalg.norm(gradient):.4e}")
# Compute and apply updates to the optimizer based on gradient.
updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(gradient, opt_state, params_eps)
params_eps[:] = optax.apply_updates(params_eps, updates)
# Save history.
# Gets the final parameters and the objective values history.
init_rho = np.copy(params_eps)
obj_vals_eps = np.array(obj_eps)
Step = 1 obj_eps = 3.6713e+01 grad_norm = 2.1337e+01 Step = 2 obj_eps = 3.7199e+00 grad_norm = 1.5927e+00 Step = 3 obj_eps = 2.5275e+00 grad_norm = 9.0628e-01 Step = 4 obj_eps = 2.2518e+00 grad_norm = 7.9232e-01 Step = 5 obj_eps = 2.1062e+00 grad_norm = 6.8685e-01 Step = 6 obj_eps = 1.9028e+00 grad_norm = 5.7341e-01 Step = 7 obj_eps = 1.6985e+00 grad_norm = 4.3689e-01 Step = 8 obj_eps = 1.5664e+00 grad_norm = 3.5048e-01 Step = 9 obj_eps = 1.5123e+00 grad_norm = 3.2271e-01 Step = 10 obj_eps = 1.5022e+00 grad_norm = 3.3803e-01 Step = 11 obj_eps = 1.4995e+00 grad_norm = 3.5074e-01 Step = 12 obj_eps = 1.4837e+00 grad_norm = 3.4555e-01 Step = 13 obj_eps = 1.4523e+00 grad_norm = 3.2148e-01 Step = 14 obj_eps = 1.4140e+00 grad_norm = 2.8711e-01 Step = 15 obj_eps = 1.3775e+00 grad_norm = 2.4885e-01 Step = 16 obj_eps = 1.3481e+00 grad_norm = 2.1687e-01 Step = 17 obj_eps = 1.3282e+00 grad_norm = 2.0611e-01 Step = 18 obj_eps = 1.3149e+00 grad_norm = 2.0442e-01 Step = 19 obj_eps = 1.3037e+00 grad_norm = 2.0419e-01 Step = 20 obj_eps = 1.2913e+00 grad_norm = 2.0200e-01 Step = 21 obj_eps = 1.2768e+00 grad_norm = 1.9805e-01 Step = 22 obj_eps = 1.2608e+00 grad_norm = 1.9320e-01 Step = 23 obj_eps = 1.2437e+00 grad_norm = 1.8286e-01 Step = 24 obj_eps = 1.2275e+00 grad_norm = 1.6592e-01 Step = 25 obj_eps = 1.2150e+00 grad_norm = 1.5078e-01 Step = 26 obj_eps = 1.2079e+00 grad_norm = 1.3751e-01 Step = 27 obj_eps = 1.2064e+00 grad_norm = 1.2433e-01 Step = 28 obj_eps = 1.2094e+00 grad_norm = 1.2273e-01 Step = 29 obj_eps = 1.2140e+00 grad_norm = 1.2982e-01 Step = 30 obj_eps = 1.2175e+00 grad_norm = 1.3471e-01 Step = 31 obj_eps = 1.2185e+00 grad_norm = 1.3405e-01 Step = 32 obj_eps = 1.2165e+00 grad_norm = 1.2832e-01 Step = 33 obj_eps = 1.2115e+00 grad_norm = 1.1870e-01 Step = 34 obj_eps = 1.2041e+00 grad_norm = 1.0914e-01 Step = 35 obj_eps = 1.1950e+00 grad_norm = 1.0110e-01 Step = 36 obj_eps = 1.1858e+00 grad_norm = 9.3292e-02 Step = 37 obj_eps = 1.1785e+00 grad_norm = 8.7110e-02 Step = 38 obj_eps = 1.1747e+00 grad_norm = 8.5979e-02 Step = 39 obj_eps = 1.1742e+00 grad_norm = 8.8450e-02 Step = 40 obj_eps = 1.1753e+00 grad_norm = 8.9086e-02 Step = 41 obj_eps = 1.1765e+00 grad_norm = 8.4738e-02 Step = 42 obj_eps = 1.1773e+00 grad_norm = 7.6298e-02 Step = 43 obj_eps = 1.1779e+00 grad_norm = 6.8167e-02 Step = 44 obj_eps = 1.1786e+00 grad_norm = 6.5263e-02 Step = 45 obj_eps = 1.1790e+00 grad_norm = 6.7121e-02 Step = 46 obj_eps = 1.1783e+00 grad_norm = 6.8039e-02 Step = 47 obj_eps = 1.1759e+00 grad_norm = 6.4437e-02 Step = 48 obj_eps = 1.1722e+00 grad_norm = 5.7835e-02 Step = 49 obj_eps = 1.1683e+00 grad_norm = 5.2956e-02 Step = 50 obj_eps = 1.1653e+00 grad_norm = 5.2879e-02
The following graph shows the evolution of the objective function along the initial structure fitting.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))
ax.plot(obj_vals_eps, "ro")
ax.set_ylabel("objective function")
ax.set_title(f"Level Set Fit: Obj = {obj_vals_eps[-1]:.3f}")

Here, one can see the initial parameters, which are the control knots defining the level set surface. The geometry of the structure will change as the zero isocontour evolves. The width of the Gaussian radial basis functions and the spacing of the control knots impact the accuracy and the smoothness of the initial zero-level set contour.
eps_fit = get_eps(mirror_param(init_rho), plot_levelset=True)

Inverse Design Optimization Set Up¶
Next, we will write a function to return the Simulation
object. Note that we are using a MeshOverrideStructure
to obtain a uniform mesh over the design region.
The elements that do not change along the optimization are defined first.
# Input waveguide.
wg_input = td.Structure(
rmin=(-eff_inf, -w_width / 2, -w_thick / 2),
rmax=(-size_x / 2 + w_length + grid_size, w_width / 2, w_thick / 2),
# Output bends.
x_start = (
-size_x / 2 + w_length + dr_size_x - grid_size
) # x-coordinate of the starting point of the waveguide bends.
x = np.linspace(
x_start, x_start + bend_length, 100
) # x-coordinates of the top edge vertices.
y = (
(x - x_start) * bend_offset / bend_length
- bend_offset * np.sin(2 * np.pi * (x - x_start) / bend_length) / (np.pi * 2)
+ (w_gap + w_width) / 2
) # y coordinates of the top edge vertices
# adding the last point to include the straight waveguide at the output
x = np.append(x, eff_inf)
y = np.append(y, y[-1])
# add path to the cell
cell = gdstk.Cell("bend")
gdstk.FlexPath(x + 1j * y, w_width, layer=1, datatype=0)
) # Top waveguide bend.
gdstk.FlexPath(x - 1j * y, w_width, layer=1, datatype=0)
) # Bottom waveguide bend.
# Define top waveguide bend structure.
wg_bend_top = td.Structure(
slab_bounds=(-w_thick / 2, w_thick / 2),
# Define bottom waveguide bend structure.
wg_bend_bot = td.Structure(
slab_bounds=(-w_thick / 2, w_thick / 2),
Monitors used to get simulation data.
# Input mode source.
mode_spec = td.ModeSpec(num_modes=1, target_neff=nSi)
source = td.ModeSource(
center=(-size_x / 2 + 0.15 * wl, 0, 0),
size=(0, mon_w, mon_h),
source_time=td.GaussianPulse(freq0=freq, fwidth=freqw),
# Monitor where we will compute the objective function from.
fom_monitor_1 = td.ModeMonitor(
center=[size_x / 2 - 0.25 * wl, (w_gap + w_width) / 2 + bend_offset, 0],
size=[0, mon_w, mon_h],
# Monitors used only to visualize the initial and final y-branch results.
# Field monitors to visualize the final fields.
field_xy = td.FieldMonitor(
size=(td.inf, td.inf, 0),
# Monitor where we will compute the objective function from.
fom_final_1 = td.ModeMonitor(
center=[size_x / 2 - 0.25 * wl, (w_gap + w_width) / 2 + bend_offset, 0],
size=[0, mon_w, mon_h],
And then the Simulation
is built.
def make_adjoint_sim(design_param, unfold=True) -> td.Simulation:
# Builds the design region from the design parameters.
eps = get_eps(design_param)
design_structure = update_design(eps, unfold=unfold)
# Creates a uniform mesh for the design region.
adjoint_dr_mesh = td.MeshOverrideStructure(
center=(dr_center_x, 0, 0), size=(dr_size_x, dr_size_y, w_thick)
dl=[grid_size, grid_size, grid_size],
return td.Simulation(
size=[size_x, size_y, size_z],
center=[0, 0, 0],
symmetry=(0, -1, 1),
structures=[wg_input, wg_bend_top, wg_bend_bot] + design_structure,
Let's visualize the simulation setup and verify if all the elements are in their correct places. Differently from the density-based methods, we will start from a fully binarized structure.
init_design = make_adjoint_sim(mirror_param(init_rho), unfold=True)
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, tight_layout=True, figsize=(8, 5))
init_design.plot_eps(z=0, ax=ax1)

Now, we will run a simulation to see how this non-optimized y-branch performs.
sim_init = init_design.copy(update=dict(monitors=(field_xy, fom_final_1)))
sim_data =, task_name="initial y-branch")
16:55:25 EST Created task 'initial y-branch' with task_id 'fdve-d06c0408-e197-4e04-9efa-ecefe636a69a' and task_type 'FDTD'.
View task using web UI at ' 7-4e04-9efa-ecefe636a69a'.
16:55:33 EST Maximum FlexCredit cost: 0.025. Minimum cost depends on task execution details. Use 'web.real_cost(task_id)' to get the billed FlexCredit cost after a simulation run.
16:55:34 EST status = queued
To cancel the simulation, use 'web.abort(task_id)' or 'web.delete(task_id)' or abort/delete the task in the web UI. Terminating the Python script will not stop the job running on the cloud.
16:55:54 EST status = preprocess
16:55:56 EST starting up solver
running solver
16:56:10 EST early shutoff detected at 56%, exiting.
status = postprocess
16:56:13 EST status = success
16:56:14 EST View simulation result at ' 7-4e04-9efa-ecefe636a69a'.
16:56:20 EST loading simulation from simulation_data.hdf5
We will use the insertion loss (IL) to compare the device response before and after the optimization. Since we will use symmetry about the y
-axis, the insertion loss is calculated as $IL = -10 log(2P_{1}/P_{in})$, where $P_{1}$ is the power coupled into the upper s-bend and $P_{in}$ is the unit input power. The insertion loss of the non-optimized y-branch is above 3 dB at 1.55 $\mu m$. From the field distribution image, we can realize that it happens because much of the input power is reflected.
coeffs_f = sim_data["out_1"].amps.sel(direction="+")
power_1 = np.abs(coeffs_f.sel(mode_index=0)) ** 2
power_1_db = -10 * np.log10(2 * power_1)
f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 4), tight_layout=True)
ax1.plot(wl_range, power_1_db, "-k")
ax1.set_xlabel("Wavelength (um)")
ax1.set_ylabel("Power (dB)")
ax1.set_ylim(0, 4)
ax1.set_xlim(wl - bw / 2, wl + bw / 2)
ax1.set_title("Insertion Loss")
sim_data.plot_field("field_xy", "E", "abs^2", z=0, ax=ax2)

Fabrication Constraints¶
Fabrication constraints are introduced in the optimization as penalty terms to control the minimum gap ($f_{g}$) and radius of curvature ($f_{c}$) in the final design. Below, we use autograd
to define the penalty terms following the formulation presented in D. Vercruysse, N. V. Sapra, L. Su, R. Trivedi, and J. Vučković, "Analytical level set fabrication constraints for inverse design," Scientific Reports 9, 8999 (2019).
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-45026-0. The gap penalty function controls the minimum feature size by limiting the second derivative based on the value of the function at that point. The curvature constraint is only relevant at the device boundary, where $\phi = 0$, so we apply the smoothed Heaviside function to the level set surface before calculating the derivatives.
# Auxiliary function to calculate first and second order partial derivatives.
def ls_derivatives(phi, d_size):
SC = 1e-12
phi_1 = anp.array(anp.gradient(phi)) / d_size
phi_x = phi_1[0] + SC
phi_y = phi_1[1] + SC
phi_2x = anp.array(anp.gradient(phi_x)) / d_size
phi_2y = anp.array(anp.gradient(phi_y)) / d_size
phi_xx = phi_2x[0]
phi_xy = phi_2x[1]
phi_yy = phi_2y[1]
return phi_x, phi_y, phi_xx, phi_xy, phi_yy
# Minimum gap size fabrication constraint integrand calculation.
# The "beta" parameter relax the constraint near the zero plane.
def fab_penalty_ls_gap(
params, beta=1, min_feature_size=min_feature_size, grid_size=ls_grid_size
# Get the level set surface.
phi_model = LevelSetInterp(x0=x_rho, y0=y_rho, z0=params, sigma=rho_size)
phi = phi_model.get_ls(x1=x_phi, y1=y_phi)
phi = anp.reshape(phi, (nx_phi, ny_phi))
# Calculates their derivatives.
phi_x, phi_y, phi_xx, phi_xy, phi_yy = ls_derivatives(phi, grid_size)
# Calculates the gap penalty over the level set grid.
pi_d = np.pi / (1.3 * min_feature_size)
phi_v = anp.maximum(anp.power(phi_x**2 + phi_y**2, 0.5), anp.power(1e-32, 1 / 4))
phi_vv = (
phi_x**2 * phi_xx + 2 * phi_x * phi_y * phi_xy + phi_y**2 * phi_yy
) / phi_v**2
return (
anp.maximum((anp.abs(phi_vv) / (pi_d * anp.abs(phi) + beta * phi_v) - pi_d), 0)
* grid_size**2
# Minimum radius of curvature fabrication constraint integrand calculation.
# The "alpha" parameter controls its relative weight to the gap penalty.
# The "sharpness" parameter controls the smoothness of the surface near the zero-contour.
def fab_penalty_ls_curve(
# Get the permittivity surface and calculates their derivatives.
eps = get_eps(params, sharpness=sharpness)
eps_x, eps_y, eps_xx, eps_xy, eps_yy = ls_derivatives(eps, grid_size)
# Calculates the curvature penalty over the permittivity grid.
pi_d = np.pi / (1.1 * min_feature_size)
eps_v = anp.maximum(anp.sqrt(eps_x**2 + eps_y**2), anp.power(1e-32, 1 / 6))
k = (eps_x**2 * eps_yy - 2 * eps_x * eps_y * eps_xy + eps_y**2 * eps_xx) / eps_v**3
curve_const = anp.abs(k * anp.arctan(eps_v / eps)) - pi_d
curve_const = anp.nan_to_num(curve_const)
return alpha * anp.maximum(curve_const, 0) * grid_size**2
# Gap and curvature fabrication constraints calculation.
# Penalty values are normalized by "norm_gap" and "norm_curve".
def fab_penalty_ls(
# Get the gap penalty fabrication constraint value.
gap_penalty_int = fab_penalty_ls_gap(
params=params, beta=beta, min_feature_size=min_feature_size, grid_size=grid_size
gap_penalty_int = anp.nan_to_num(gap_penalty_int)
gap_penalty = anp.sum(gap_penalty_int) / norm_gap
# Get the curvature penalty fabrication constraint value.
curve_penalty_int = fab_penalty_ls_curve(
curve_penalty_int = anp.nan_to_num(curve_penalty_int)
curve_penalty = anp.sum(curve_penalty_int) / norm_curve
return gap_penalty, curve_penalty
Now, we will calculate the initial penalty function values and observe the regions of the initial design that violate the constraints. The gap and curvature penalty functions are normalized by their initial values along the optimization to better balance the weights of device response and fabrication penalty within the objective function.
# Initial values of gap and curvature fabrication constraints.
init_fab_gap, init_fab_curve = fab_penalty_ls(mirror_param(init_rho))
# Visualization of gap and curvature fabrication constraints values.
gap_penalty_int = fab_penalty_ls_gap(mirror_param(init_rho), beta=gap_par)
curve_penalty_int = fab_penalty_ls_curve(
mirror_param(init_rho), alpha=curve_par, sharpness=4
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 8), tight_layout=True)
yy, xx = np.meshgrid(y_phi, x_phi)
im = ax1.imshow(
extent=[x_phi[0], x_phi[-1], y_phi[0], y_phi[-1]],
ax1.contour(xx, yy, eps_fit, [(eps_min + eps_max) / 2], colors="k", linewidths=0.5)
ax1.set_title(f"Gap Penalty = {init_fab_gap:.3f}")
ax1.set_xlabel(r"x ($\mu m$)")
ax1.set_ylabel(r"y ($\mu m$)")
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax1, shrink=0.3)
im = ax2.imshow(
extent=[x_phi[0], x_phi[-1], y_phi[0], y_phi[-1]],
ax2.contour(xx, yy, eps_fit, [(eps_min + eps_max) / 2], colors="k", linewidths=0.5)
ax2.set_title(f"Curve Penalty = {init_fab_curve:.3f}")
ax2.set_xlabel(r"x ($\mu m$)")
ax2.set_ylabel(r"y ($\mu m$)")
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax2, shrink=0.3)

Running the Optimization¶
The figure-of-merit used in the y-branch optimization is the power ($P_{1, 2}$) coupled into the fundamental transverse electric mode of the output waveguides. We will set mirror symmetry about the y
-axis in the optimization, so we must include only $P_{1}$ in the figure-of-merit. As we are using a minimization strategy, the coupled power and fabrication constraints are arranged within the objective function as $|0.5 - P_{1}| + w_{f} \times (f_{g} + f_{c})$, where $w_{f}$ is the fabrication constraint weight, whereas $f_{g}$ and $f_{c}$ are the gap and curvature penalty values.
# Figure of Merit (FOM) calculation.
def fom(sim_data: td.SimulationData) -> float:
"""Return the power at the mode index of interest."""
output_amps1 = sim_data[fom_name_1].amps
amp1 = output_amps1.sel(direction="+", f=freq, mode_index=0)
eta1 = anp.sum(anp.nan_to_num(anp.abs(amp1.values)) ** 2)
return anp.abs(0.5 - eta1), eta1
# Objective function to be passed to the optimization algorithm.
def obj(
fab_const: float = 0.0,
verbose: bool = False,
) -> float:
param = mirror_param(design_param)
sim = make_adjoint_sim(param)
sim_data =, task_name="inv_des_ybranch", verbose=verbose)
fom_val, eta1 = fom(sim_data)
fab_gap, fab_curve = fab_penalty_ls(param, norm_gap=norm_gap, norm_curve=norm_curve)
J = fom_val + fab_const * (fab_gap + fab_curve)
aux_data = anp.array([sim_data, getval(eta1), getval(fab_gap), getval(fab_curve)])
return (J, aux_data)
# Function to calculate the objective function value and its
# gradient with respect to the design parameters.
obj_grad = value_and_grad(obj, has_aux=True)
Optimizer initialization
# where to store history
history_fname = "./misc/y_branch_fab.pkl"
def save_history(history_dict: dict) -> None:
"""Convenience function to save the history to file."""
with open(history_fname, "wb") as file:
pickle.dump(history_dict, file)
def load_history() -> dict:
"""Convenience method to load the history from file."""
with open(history_fname, "rb") as file:
history_dict = pickle.load(file)
return history_dict
Before starting, we will look for data from a previous optimization.
# Initialize adam optimizer with starting parameters.
optimizer = optax.adam(learning_rate=learning_rate * 8)
history_dict = load_history()
opt_state = history_dict["opt_states"][-1]
params = history_dict["params"][-1]
num_iters_completed = len(history_dict["params"])
print("Loaded optimization checkpoint from file.")
f"Found {num_iters_completed} iterations previously completed out of {iterations} total."
if num_iters_completed < iterations:
print(f"Will resume optimization.")
print("Optimization completed, will return results.")
except (FileNotFoundError, IndexError):
params = np.array(init_rho)
opt_state = optimizer.init(params)
history_dict = dict(
Loaded optimization checkpoint from file. Found 10 iterations previously completed out of 100 total. Will resume optimization.
Now, we are ready to run the optimization!
td.config.logging_level = "WARNING"
iter_done = len(history_dict["values"])
fab_const = 0.05
param_eps = anp.array(get_eps(mirror_param(anp.array(params))))
param_shape = param_eps.shape
param_eps = param_eps.flatten()
if iter_done < iterations:
for i in range(iter_done, iterations):
params = anp.array(params)
(value, gradient), aux = obj_grad(
sim_data_i, eta1, penalty_gap, penalty_curve = aux
gradient = np.nan_to_num(gradient)
gradient = np.array(gradient)
params = np.array(params)
# outputs
print(f"Step = {i + 1}")
print(f"\tobj_val = {value:.4e}")
print(f"\tgrad_norm = {np.linalg.norm(gradient):.4e}")
print(f"\teta1 = {eta1:.3f}")
print(f"\tpenalty gap = {penalty_gap:.3f}")
print(f"\tpenalty curve = {penalty_curve:.3f}")
# Compute and apply updates to the optimizer based on gradient.
updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(gradient, opt_state, params)
params = optax.apply_updates(params, updates)
# Save history.
# history_dict["data"].append(sim_data_i) # Uncomment to store data, can create large files.
Step = 11 obj_val = 1.2943e-01 grad_norm = 1.7714e-02 eta1 = 0.450 penalty gap = 0.454 penalty curve = 1.143 Step = 12 obj_val = 1.2689e-01 grad_norm = 1.6205e-02 eta1 = 0.451 penalty gap = 0.406 penalty curve = 1.151 Step = 13 obj_val = 1.2559e-01 grad_norm = 1.6872e-02 eta1 = 0.452 penalty gap = 0.398 penalty curve = 1.154 Step = 14 obj_val = 1.2424e-01 grad_norm = 1.7161e-02 eta1 = 0.455 penalty gap = 0.437 penalty curve = 1.156 Step = 15 obj_val = 1.2171e-01 grad_norm = 1.5970e-02 eta1 = 0.459 penalty gap = 0.454 penalty curve = 1.155 Step = 16 obj_val = 1.1861e-01 grad_norm = 1.4249e-02 eta1 = 0.461 penalty gap = 0.453 penalty curve = 1.144 Step = 17 obj_val = 1.1520e-01 grad_norm = 1.1090e-02 eta1 = 0.463 penalty gap = 0.433 penalty curve = 1.139 Step = 18 obj_val = 1.1267e-01 grad_norm = 9.8923e-03 eta1 = 0.466 penalty gap = 0.422 penalty curve = 1.147 Step = 19 obj_val = 1.1127e-01 grad_norm = 1.0036e-02 eta1 = 0.468 penalty gap = 0.422 penalty curve = 1.166 Step = 20 obj_val = 1.0990e-01 grad_norm = 1.0350e-02 eta1 = 0.470 penalty gap = 0.419 penalty curve = 1.186 Step = 21 obj_val = 1.0884e-01 grad_norm = 9.0695e-03 eta1 = 0.473 penalty gap = 0.415 penalty curve = 1.213 Step = 22 obj_val = 1.0822e-01 grad_norm = 8.8240e-03 eta1 = 0.474 penalty gap = 0.409 penalty curve = 1.236 Step = 23 obj_val = 1.0734e-01 grad_norm = 7.9110e-03 eta1 = 0.475 penalty gap = 0.397 penalty curve = 1.259 Step = 24 obj_val = 1.0520e-01 grad_norm = 8.6939e-03 eta1 = 0.478 penalty gap = 0.392 penalty curve = 1.275 Step = 25 obj_val = 1.0393e-01 grad_norm = 7.5662e-03 eta1 = 0.480 penalty gap = 0.387 penalty curve = 1.285 Step = 26 obj_val = 1.0295e-01 grad_norm = 8.0280e-03 eta1 = 0.480 penalty gap = 0.378 penalty curve = 1.285 Step = 27 obj_val = 1.0144e-01 grad_norm = 8.1235e-03 eta1 = 0.481 penalty gap = 0.370 penalty curve = 1.280 Step = 28 obj_val = 9.9614e-02 grad_norm = 8.0931e-03 eta1 = 0.482 penalty gap = 0.362 penalty curve = 1.274 Step = 29 obj_val = 9.7756e-02 grad_norm = 7.7039e-03 eta1 = 0.483 penalty gap = 0.350 penalty curve = 1.260 Step = 30 obj_val = 9.6145e-02 grad_norm = 7.2064e-03 eta1 = 0.483 penalty gap = 0.337 penalty curve = 1.250 Step = 31 obj_val = 9.4441e-02 grad_norm = 7.0064e-03 eta1 = 0.484 penalty gap = 0.328 penalty curve = 1.239 Step = 32 obj_val = 9.3156e-02 grad_norm = 6.4534e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.324 penalty curve = 1.231 Step = 33 obj_val = 9.1917e-02 grad_norm = 6.3749e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.320 penalty curve = 1.224 Step = 34 obj_val = 9.0441e-02 grad_norm = 5.6786e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.313 penalty curve = 1.215 Step = 35 obj_val = 8.8957e-02 grad_norm = 5.0368e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.305 penalty curve = 1.204 Step = 36 obj_val = 8.7263e-02 grad_norm = 5.1283e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.292 penalty curve = 1.191 Step = 37 obj_val = 8.5531e-02 grad_norm = 6.0348e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.280 penalty curve = 1.169 Step = 38 obj_val = 8.3944e-02 grad_norm = 5.6733e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.274 penalty curve = 1.147 Step = 39 obj_val = 8.2242e-02 grad_norm = 5.8104e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.270 penalty curve = 1.121 Step = 40 obj_val = 8.0946e-02 grad_norm = 4.9765e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.263 penalty curve = 1.099 Step = 41 obj_val = 7.9940e-02 grad_norm = 5.1740e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.257 penalty curve = 1.081 Step = 42 obj_val = 7.8715e-02 grad_norm = 5.9043e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.254 penalty curve = 1.059 Step = 43 obj_val = 7.7338e-02 grad_norm = 5.8827e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.248 penalty curve = 1.036 Step = 44 obj_val = 7.5729e-02 grad_norm = 4.7129e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.242 penalty curve = 1.013 Step = 45 obj_val = 7.4264e-02 grad_norm = 5.3247e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.242 penalty curve = 0.988 Step = 46 obj_val = 7.2776e-02 grad_norm = 6.5325e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.233 penalty curve = 0.963 Step = 47 obj_val = 7.0770e-02 grad_norm = 5.4997e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.226 penalty curve = 0.926 Step = 48 obj_val = 6.8658e-02 grad_norm = 4.2604e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.220 penalty curve = 0.887 Step = 49 obj_val = 6.7640e-02 grad_norm = 9.6688e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.213 penalty curve = 0.855 Step = 50 obj_val = 6.5610e-02 grad_norm = 6.7300e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.208 penalty curve = 0.825 Step = 51 obj_val = 6.3720e-02 grad_norm = 5.9419e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.199 penalty curve = 0.797 Step = 52 obj_val = 6.2505e-02 grad_norm = 8.2201e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.195 penalty curve = 0.774 Step = 53 obj_val = 6.0646e-02 grad_norm = 5.4477e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.187 penalty curve = 0.758 Step = 54 obj_val = 5.9361e-02 grad_norm = 6.6901e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.177 penalty curve = 0.745 Step = 55 obj_val = 5.8282e-02 grad_norm = 7.3320e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.171 penalty curve = 0.730 Step = 56 obj_val = 5.6635e-02 grad_norm = 5.2800e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.166 penalty curve = 0.711 Step = 57 obj_val = 5.5668e-02 grad_norm = 8.3509e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.157 penalty curve = 0.693 Step = 58 obj_val = 5.4736e-02 grad_norm = 4.9623e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.155 penalty curve = 0.678 Step = 59 obj_val = 5.4408e-02 grad_norm = 8.4652e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.153 penalty curve = 0.662 Step = 60 obj_val = 5.3516e-02 grad_norm = 8.6287e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.150 penalty curve = 0.649 Step = 61 obj_val = 5.2271e-02 grad_norm = 4.6221e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.146 penalty curve = 0.640 Step = 62 obj_val = 5.2018e-02 grad_norm = 7.3210e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.141 penalty curve = 0.635 Step = 63 obj_val = 5.1301e-02 grad_norm = 5.7673e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.140 penalty curve = 0.625 Step = 64 obj_val = 5.0504e-02 grad_norm = 6.1558e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.136 penalty curve = 0.615 Step = 65 obj_val = 4.9705e-02 grad_norm = 6.8600e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.133 penalty curve = 0.607 Step = 66 obj_val = 4.7998e-02 grad_norm = 3.9180e-03 eta1 = 0.488 penalty gap = 0.129 penalty curve = 0.596 Step = 67 obj_val = 4.7197e-02 grad_norm = 6.1392e-03 eta1 = 0.488 penalty gap = 0.120 penalty curve = 0.586 Step = 68 obj_val = 4.6247e-02 grad_norm = 5.2772e-03 eta1 = 0.488 penalty gap = 0.114 penalty curve = 0.574 Step = 69 obj_val = 4.5750e-02 grad_norm = 4.9164e-03 eta1 = 0.488 penalty gap = 0.112 penalty curve = 0.563 Step = 70 obj_val = 4.5618e-02 grad_norm = 1.0569e-02 eta1 = 0.488 penalty gap = 0.111 penalty curve = 0.553 Step = 71 obj_val = 4.4603e-02 grad_norm = 4.2136e-03 eta1 = 0.488 penalty gap = 0.107 penalty curve = 0.547 Step = 72 obj_val = 4.4090e-02 grad_norm = 7.9281e-03 eta1 = 0.488 penalty gap = 0.104 penalty curve = 0.539 Step = 73 obj_val = 4.3476e-02 grad_norm = 6.0468e-03 eta1 = 0.488 penalty gap = 0.103 penalty curve = 0.529 Step = 74 obj_val = 4.2614e-02 grad_norm = 6.0159e-03 eta1 = 0.488 penalty gap = 0.100 penalty curve = 0.511 Step = 75 obj_val = 4.1663e-02 grad_norm = 8.3960e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.094 penalty curve = 0.486 Step = 76 obj_val = 4.0675e-02 grad_norm = 5.1439e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.092 penalty curve = 0.464 Step = 77 obj_val = 3.9863e-02 grad_norm = 6.3941e-03 eta1 = 0.487 penalty gap = 0.089 penalty curve = 0.441 Step = 78 obj_val = 3.9174e-02 grad_norm = 7.4129e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.084 penalty curve = 0.423 Step = 79 obj_val = 3.8342e-02 grad_norm = 6.5192e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.080 penalty curve = 0.412 Step = 80 obj_val = 3.7704e-02 grad_norm = 4.5646e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.076 penalty curve = 0.402 Step = 81 obj_val = 3.7486e-02 grad_norm = 6.2053e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.072 penalty curve = 0.390 Step = 82 obj_val = 3.7282e-02 grad_norm = 9.2255e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.068 penalty curve = 0.384 Step = 83 obj_val = 3.7029e-02 grad_norm = 9.0898e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.067 penalty curve = 0.381 Step = 84 obj_val = 3.5926e-02 grad_norm = 5.5964e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.065 penalty curve = 0.369 Step = 85 obj_val = 3.5173e-02 grad_norm = 4.1220e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.064 penalty curve = 0.357 Step = 86 obj_val = 3.4885e-02 grad_norm = 6.8407e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.062 penalty curve = 0.352 Step = 87 obj_val = 3.4167e-02 grad_norm = 6.4070e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.061 penalty curve = 0.339 Step = 88 obj_val = 3.3490e-02 grad_norm = 4.6060e-03 eta1 = 0.486 penalty gap = 0.060 penalty curve = 0.322 Step = 89 obj_val = 3.2924e-02 grad_norm = 6.9168e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.059 penalty curve = 0.303 Step = 90 obj_val = 3.2298e-02 grad_norm = 7.9010e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.060 penalty curve = 0.283 Step = 91 obj_val = 3.1774e-02 grad_norm = 8.3796e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.060 penalty curve = 0.268 Step = 92 obj_val = 3.1542e-02 grad_norm = 5.6212e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.064 penalty curve = 0.267 Step = 93 obj_val = 3.1559e-02 grad_norm = 5.3865e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.065 penalty curve = 0.272 Step = 94 obj_val = 3.1271e-02 grad_norm = 5.5228e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.064 penalty curve = 0.269 Step = 95 obj_val = 3.0530e-02 grad_norm = 3.8695e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.058 penalty curve = 0.260 Step = 96 obj_val = 3.0527e-02 grad_norm = 5.0364e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.058 penalty curve = 0.258 Step = 97 obj_val = 3.0481e-02 grad_norm = 6.4596e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.058 penalty curve = 0.257 Step = 98 obj_val = 3.0098e-02 grad_norm = 4.6421e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.058 penalty curve = 0.247 Step = 99 obj_val = 2.9881e-02 grad_norm = 4.4214e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.059 penalty curve = 0.240 Step = 100 obj_val = 2.9865e-02 grad_norm = 7.4931e-03 eta1 = 0.485 penalty gap = 0.063 penalty curve = 0.232
obj_vals = np.array(history_dict["values"])
eta1_vals = np.array(history_dict["eta1"])
pen_gap_vals = np.array(history_dict["penalty_gap"])
pen_curve_vals = np.array(history_dict["penalty_curve"])
final_par = history_dict["params"][-1]
Optimization Results¶
Below, we can see how the device response and fabrication penalty have evolved throughout the optimization. The coupling into the output waveguide improves quickly in the beginning at the expense of higher penalty values. Then, the penalty values decrease linearly after the device response achieves a near-optimal condition. This trend results from the small weight factor we have chosen for the fabrication penalty terms.
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))
ax.plot(obj_vals, "ko", label="objective")
ax.plot(eta1_vals, "bo", label="p_1")
ax.plot(pen_gap_vals, "ro", label="gap")
ax.plot(pen_curve_vals, "gs", label="curvature")
ax.set_ylabel("objective function")
ax.set_title(f"Final Objective Function Value: {obj_vals[-1]:.3f}")

The optimization process obtained a smooth and well-defined geometry.
eps_final = get_eps(mirror_param(final_par), plot_levelset=True)

We can also see a significant reduction in violations to the minimum feature size after the optimization, which results in a smoother structure. The optimized device has not matched the minimum feature size exactly. The minimum radius of curvature and gap size are about 30% higher and 20% lower than the reference feature size, respectively. This deviation is expected, as reported in the previous paper. In this regard, running the simulation longer, adjusting the penalty weight or compensating for the reference feature size could improve the results.
# Initial values of gap and curvature fabrication constraints.
final_fab_gap, final_fab_curve = fab_penalty_ls(mirror_param(final_par))
# Visualization of gap and curvature fabrication constraints values.
gap_penalty_int = fab_penalty_ls_gap(mirror_param(final_par), beta=gap_par)
curve_penalty_int = fab_penalty_ls_curve(
mirror_param(final_par), alpha=curve_par, sharpness=4
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 8), tight_layout=True)
yy, xx = np.meshgrid(y_phi, x_phi)
im = ax1.imshow(
extent=[x_phi[0], x_phi[-1], y_phi[0], y_phi[-1]],
ax1.contour(xx, yy, eps_final, [(eps_min + eps_max) / 2], colors="k", linewidths=0.5)
ax1.set_title(f"Gap Penalty = {final_fab_gap:.3f}")
ax1.set_xlabel(r"x ($\mu m$)")
ax1.set_ylabel(r"y ($\mu m$)")
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax1, shrink=0.3)
im = ax2.imshow(
extent=[x_phi[0], x_phi[-1], y_phi[0], y_phi[-1]],
ax2.contour(xx, yy, eps_final, [(eps_min + eps_max) / 2], colors="k", linewidths=0.5)
ax2.set_title(f"Curve Penalty = {final_fab_curve:.3f}")
ax2.set_xlabel(r"x ($\mu m$)")
ax2.set_ylabel(r"y ($\mu m$)")
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax2, shrink=0.3)

Once the inverse design is complete, we can visualize the field distributions and the wavelength dependent insertion loss.
sim_final = make_adjoint_sim(mirror_param(final_par), unfold=True)
sim_final = sim_final.copy(update=dict(monitors=(field_xy, fom_final_1)))
sim_data_final =, task_name="inv_des_final")
07:48:26 EST Created task 'inv_des_final' with task_id 'fdve-c1eed91c-8e73-4647-8ed1-cb289e7de3ce' and task_type 'FDTD'.
View task using web UI at ' 3-4647-8ed1-cb289e7de3ce'.
07:48:35 EST Maximum FlexCredit cost: 0.025. Minimum cost depends on task execution details. Use 'web.real_cost(task_id)' to get the billed FlexCredit cost after a simulation run.
07:48:36 EST status = queued
To cancel the simulation, use 'web.abort(task_id)' or 'web.delete(task_id)' or abort/delete the task in the web UI. Terminating the Python script will not stop the job running on the cloud.
07:48:49 EST status = preprocess
07:48:53 EST starting up solver
running solver
07:49:19 EST early shutoff detected at 60%, exiting.
status = postprocess
07:49:22 EST status = success
View simulation result at ' 3-4647-8ed1-cb289e7de3ce'.
07:49:29 EST loading simulation from simulation_data.hdf5
The resulting structure shows good performance, presenting insertion loss of only 0.1 dB near the central wavelength.
mode_amps = sim_data_final["out_1"]
coeffs_f = mode_amps.amps.sel(direction="+")
power_1 = np.abs(coeffs_f.sel(mode_index=0)) ** 2
power_1_db = -10 * np.log10(2 * power_1)
f, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 10), tight_layout=True)
sim_final.plot_eps(z=0, source_alpha=0, monitor_alpha=0, ax=ax[0, 1])
ax[1, 0].plot(wl_range, power_1_db, "-k")
ax[1, 0].set_xlabel("Wavelength (um)")
ax[1, 0].set_ylabel("Power (dB)")
ax[1, 0].set_ylim(0, 4)
ax[1, 0].set_xlim(wl - bw / 2, wl + bw / 2)
ax[1, 0].set_title("Insertion Loss")
sim_data_final.plot_field("field_xy", "E", "abs^2", z=0, ax=ax[1, 1])
ax[0, 0].plot(obj_vals, "ko", label="objective")
ax[0, 0].plot(eta1_vals, "bo", label="p_1")
ax[0, 0].plot(pen_gap_vals, "ro", label="gap")
ax[0, 0].plot(pen_curve_vals, "gs", label="curvature")
ax[0, 0].set_xlabel("iterations")
ax[0, 0].set_ylabel("objective function")
ax[0, 0].legend()
ax[0, 0].set_yscale("log")
ax[0, 0].set_title(f"Final Objective Function Value: {obj_vals[-1]:.3f}")

Export to GDS¶
The Simulation
object has the .to_gds_file convenience function to export the final design to a GDS
file. In addition to a file name, it is necessary to set a cross-sectional plane (z = 0
in this case) on which to evaluate the geometry, a frequency
to evaluate the permittivity, and a permittivity_threshold
to define the shape boundaries in custom mediums. See the GDS export notebook for a detailed example on using .to_gds_file
and other GDS related functions.
permittivity_threshold=(eps_max + eps_min) / 2,